MIB – Medical Imaging Center Bonn
What is the MIB?
The MIB is a center of excellence where medical imaging activities and expertise from different disciplines come together.
What is the mission of the MIB?
To foster interdisciplinary networking. To advance best practices.
What is unique about the MIB?
Broad networking between research and industry. Platform for direct exchange among experts.
The Medical Imaging Center Bonn (MIB) is a competence center in which all imaging activities at the Bonn site, in clinical and basic sciences as well as other research institutions and networks, are bundled in order to improve interdisciplinary networking within existing structures. In addition, networking with external partners from science and industry will be further expanded. The MIB covers the entire range of imaging techniques and resolution levels along the translational chain from clinical and experimental imaging to optical methods and molecular imaging.
Moreover, innovative methods of image analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning are of eminent importance and are represented by several excellent research groups within the MIB.
We are convinced that we can achieve more scientific results in the shortest possible time in the future by providing a platform for researchers that shortens communication paths between disciplines, strengthens collaborations and bundles competencies.
Venue: DZNE lecture hall, Venusberg-Campus 1, DE-53127 Bonn
Research Groups of the MIB
Steering Committee of the MIB
The project is supported by the steering committee, which is made up of experts from various disciplines.
The founding of the MIB Medical Imaging Center Bonn was initiated by Prof. Dr. med. Frank G. Holz, director of the University Eye Hospital Bonn.