Our Network
As an interdisciplinary center of excellence, we strive to unite research groups and research institutes to strengthen cooperation among them. It is crucial for this that we build and maintain a strong network.
If you are interested in a cooperation or partnership, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Cooperation

center of advanced european studies and research (caesar) is a neuroscience research institute associated with the Max Planck Society. As such, caesar brings together more than 250 scientists and visiting scientists from 39 countries.

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is dedicated to the study of neurodegeneration: a pathological process that damages the nerve cells. Today, the DZNE consists of 10 sites, and consequently pools expertise distributed nationwide within a single research institute.

Die Lücke zwischen universitärer Forschung und Wirtschaft zu schließen, das ist Closing the gap between university research and business – this is the rationale behind the biomedical and neuroscientific technology platform LIFE & BRAIN.

The Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it) is one of Europe’s leading institutions for cutting-edge research and higher education in informatics.

ImmunoSensation is a DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence dedicated to investigating innate immunity beyond the boundaries of classical immunology. The ultimate goal of ImmunoSensation2 is to decipher the principles that govern the global functionality of the immune system in healthy and diseased states.

As an independent institution under public law, the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) assumes tasks in patient care, including high-performance medicine, and in public health care. Furthermore, it ensures the integration of patient care with research and teaching at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn.

The University of Bonn is one of only 11 German Universities of Excellence and the only German university with six Clusters of Excellence. Recent decades have shown Bonn to produce more winners of the Nobel Prize and Fields Medal than any other German university. The University of Bonn has a 200-year history of combining excellent research in a range of disciplines with research-led teaching.